visual erasures

Katrina Roberts is author of four books and a chapbook of poems, as well as editor of an anthology. Her manuscript Likeness was a finalist for the Pleiades Press Visual Poetry Series, 2019. Her poems appear in The Pushcart Prize Anthology, Best American Poetry, and The Bread Loaf Anthology of New American Poets. Her graphic poetry (nominated for a Pushcart prize, and named finalist for the New Alchemy Award) and visual reviews, appear in journals including Poetry Northwest, Thrush Poetry, Indianapolis Review, Permafrost, American Journal of Poetry, BOMB, The Ilanot Review, Root & Star, The Journal, and in anthologies including: Lilac City Fairy Tales Vol IV; and Evergreen: Fairy Tales, Essays, and Fables from the Dark Northwest. She teaches, and curates the Visiting Writers Reading Series at Whitman College, and co-runs the Walla Walla Distilling Company. (