by Virgil Suarez

Welcome to Interim’s fifth Test Site Poetry Series finalists’ issue. The series board took longer than usual to narrow the field this year, as there were so many excellent manuscripts to choose from. We at last chose Bruce Bond’s The Dove of the Morning News for the 2022 TSPS winner and Hannah Dierdorff’s Rain, Wind, Thunder, Fire, Daughter for the third winner of the Betsy Joiner Flannagan Award in Poetry. All of the poems collected here are from the 12 manuscripts that were finalists from the over 200 books we received. The methods and subjects in each of these manuscripts matched the innovation and consideration for the human and natural world that are central to our series. We are honored to publish all of these poems.
〰️ Claudia Keelan, Editor of Interim
The Test Site Poetry Series
〰️ Claudia Keelan, Editor of Interim
The Test Site Poetry Series
Hannah Dierdorff 〰️ Brandon Krieg 〰️ Angie Estes 〰️ Matthew Cooperman 〰️ James D'Agostino 〰️ Lindsey Webb 〰️ Terese Svoboda 〰️ Kristen Hanlon 〰️ Katie Naughton 〰️ Jory Mickelson 〰️ Jackson Wills 〰️ Bruce Bond 〰️

Bruce Bond
Imperium 〰️
Hannah Dierdorff
Wood | Word 〰️
Psalm Sleeping Between Circles & Lines 〰️
Sonnet with a Mouth Full of Dollar Bills 〰️
Sonnet Starting with Arson 〰️
Forty miles south of my parents’ house, a wildfire decimates the small town of Malden and consumes thousands of acres of wheat 〰️
Brandon Krieg
Change of Possession 〰️
Sidereal Day 〰️
Don’t Waste Time Wishing the Machine 〰️
Alarm Calls 〰️
Angie Estes
Relais du Silence 〰️
Lost Again, Monte Perdito, Mont Perdu, Wherever 〰️
Pas Encore 〰️
A Little History of the Panorama 〰️
James D'Agostino
Nativity as Pietà 〰️
Reading the Bible Upside Down and Backwards 〰️
Not Coming Back 〰️
Song to Survive the Spring 〰️
Orpheus Upshore 〰️
Lindsey Webb
Sitting in a garden, unsheltered 〰️
The garden tells its lie of isolation 〰️
When we were younger, I complained 〰️
Terese Svoboda
What Counts and What Doesn't 〰️
Drowning in Sound 〰️
You Can't Not Talk About Waves 〰️
Kristen Hanlon
Requiter 〰️
Katie Naughton
The Question of Address 〰️
The Question of Address: Poem for a Scientist (I) 〰️
The Question of Address: Poem for a Scientist (II) 〰️
The Question of Address (Place Elegy 3: Mill City) 〰️
The Question of Address (Place Elegy 3: Suburbs) 〰️
Jory Mickelson
Plunder: The Company 〰️
Friday Night, Bannack 〰️
What distance did I know? 〰️
Rivers and Mountains at the End 〰️
Slowly Now the Shadows Lengthen 〰️
Jackson Wills
Baltimore 〰️
Thoughts Other than Whiskey, and a Heron in the Snow 〰️
Time is Unredeemable 〰️
Atom and Void 〰️
After 〰️
Chernobyl Pear 〰️